This song was off of MCR's first album I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, but the video was made during their Three Cheers era. It was right before the original drummer and founding member Matt Pellisier left the band. He is in the video as he recorded with them for the first two records. It might explain the sudden dramatic change in edgeyness from the first two into Black Parade (Which was amazing, but each record has it's own strong and weak points). The video is also a tribute in a way to a Japanese horror film called The Audition. It is about a guy who holds auditions to meet potential girlfriends. All are either too peppy or too upfront or flat or something like that, but this one girl (who looks like every evil thing in a Jap Horror film i.e.black hair, almost white skin, long hair, has the sense she might end up doing unnecessary murderous acupuncture to you...etc)captures his interest and he wants more. The movie is actually quite boring, excluding a few splices you see of a bag moving around in the girls apartment. I won't spoil it. The ending is ridiculously amazing though. A...what? Hour and a half build up to reveal the final 45 minutes that leave you speechless.
The first two albums have been a great influence on the writing process. Last night I couldn't go to sleep because of it. I had all of these great ideas come to mind that I had to write down, and I think I've got it all planned out. I just need to write it out and organize it. I wrote some pages last night. They're pretty good. I also couldn't sleep out of fear of the rabbit. It is still unnamed, and am almost considering calling it the rabbit in the book. But the way I made it, it is creepy. It even scares me to think about. Imagine seeing this face in the corners of your room while you are trying to sleep:
It took a lot for me to go with the rabbit. It has been used before indefinitely. Donnie Darko has Frank, the menacing rabid rabbit mascot that haunts Donnie. Alice has the White Rabbit. The idea sparked from LeATHERMOUTH, which is Frank Iero's (MCR's Rhythm Guitarist) side project, in which all the members except Frank wear rabbit masks. Oh well. It all works too well. Heroin was first tested on rabbits to market as aspirin. It all makes much more sense in my head. I could say it all, but that would ruin the whole point of the book, so I won't. Just trust me, it makes sense.
The original idea of the story has definitely evolved, going from a mirror pointing out the wrongs in the character's life and how they need to take responsibility for it has slowly morphed into a heroin (back to this later) addict that has the constant images of a rabbit haunting him to continue using, while every time he looks in the mirror, the mirror tries to show him what is becoming of him by distorting his face and pushing him into taking action. I am very excited to put all of this into action, especially with the terminology I created for the book.
Now, heroin. The symptoms the character shows suggest that he is on heroin, PCP, and LSD. I have to figure out a way to do this. I was thinking of somehow lacing the heroin, but I doubt that is possible. I'll think of something eventually.
I've split the book into two parts. First is his encounter and steady decline due to use, then part two is the long term effects and his choice as to what to do. I'm not going to say the ending. I'm too excited for it. It is just...oh man. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but it really is just amazing.
Tomorrow I am going over to Ashley's to watch Donnie Darko and have her read the little tidbits I have of the story. I am very confidant that this could maybe actually go somewhere. It would be great to see that rabbit staring down teens from the bookshelves as they reach for a copy of Twilight or something like that. The only problem is publishing requirements. A lot of publishers only take certain types of books, and I can't label it. It is not in a format that I can just say YA or something like that. Although I would hope teens would read it, nothing in the book has to do with a teen problem or teens at all. It sure as hell isn't fantasy or anything. I think that there should be a genre called "Brutally Honest with an Artistic and Psychological Twist".
I need my inhaler from laughing too much
Okay, so the one thing that determines "where" your book fits is the age of your protag. If he is between 16 and 19 you are into the YA genre. Now don't get nervous, because it's not really a genre, like say, romance is. YA merely represents an age group. You can have anything from sweet coming-of-age stories to seriously f-ed up stuff. And it is still YA. (Though sometimes bookstores get a little freaked out and put some of the heavy stuff in the adult sections)
Not sure if that will link correctly, but its a small example of what is still considered YA despite the topic.
And ftr, dark, twisted, messed up stuff never goes out of style. And you already have the freak-ass cover! ;)
You need to watch this:
i really love the concept of the music video....the whole japanese killer girl thing :) i wanna see that movie but im to scared :/
ReplyDeleteand the second is just ridiculous :D