Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Declaration of War

I want you to scream insecurities
Beg and plead to hear the words we once portrayed on canvas
Because one day, these words will go to waste
Buried before our corpses touch the casket
My last breath is less anticipated than my last word

One day, desolate deserts of despair will become the majority of the Earth
As our water decays and fades away into the ozone
Turn to toxins and venom after the contamination from my stabbing words
And rain hate all over the city you are in
So that not only will you be consumed in the rapture of regret
But you will watch the buildings you touched be purged of your recollection

I hope you feel as every memory burns and dissipates into nothing
Not even air
As that is still sustainable through the art of breathing
I hope the rain drowns and suffocates you
So that you will black out in the collapsing scene of this film
And wake up in the next scene in the credits
Far away from the public view
And be forced to watch the words escape the page
And watch you scrape at the screen to take them back

I want you to be corroded by the edge of my declaration of war
Let the wishes of the words and verbs take you away
As those are all we have left to fight our battles with

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