Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"There is no way out

You can scream and you can shout
It is too late now
Because you're not there"

Worst part of this:not our fault

I would just love to slam my fists on the keyboard to show how much frustration I feel about this
And hope that epithets of hate and profanity spill out from the chaos
To show you exactly what it is like to be blind sighted by something you don't know about
To show you exactly how much you interfere with something that is common

I would just love to write out every adjective of disrespect and confusion I have for you
Because it would be too much to say
But paper can't contain this
My words would fall off and drift away from the regiment
And find their way and place in the world
And fuel the ongoing fire in the furnace I have built to supply the intensity of this disregard

I would just love to see how I act when August comes
Because I know that I won't ever speak of this to you
I am but a child to you, as she is
We are naive, confused, young, but as you have said countless times
"in love"
It is like you have the authority to rule over both powers
Declare what two plus two is

I would just love to be able to shout this from your driveway
Carve the words into every inch of your house
And just unload all of this emotional hatred on you

But I know I never will

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