Saturday, July 4, 2009

"You broke another mirror,

you're turning into something you are not"

there has been this giant push about my future lately. college plans. housing plans. financial arrangements. it is all a little overwhelming.

i have to apply to colleges this year. state schools are incredibly cheap. i am looking at ASU and NAU. i also made Pitt and option.

i am making theater my undergraduate. i know that it is a long shot, but it is something i like doing and do well. i was just in the car, and the radiohead song came on, and as i approached a red light, i just said to myself, "you're going to make it someday..." and for the first time in a while, i kinda believed myself. i saw myself going places.

i need to make this name for myself this year. i have to become the person who is associated with the theater department. with the improv club and the shows...this year is my year to really breakout.

i just need to chill out and calm down. enjoy what i can before it gets too hectic. look forward to pittsburgh. look forward to starting a club. look forward to the next two years. it is time to get out there.


  1. :D im proud of you tom


  2. The only thing between you & your dreams is the guy in the mirror. Don't let him beat you...
