Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some things you didn't know about me

My favorite color is purple
I write a lot of poems and verses that never ever make it on here
I am a completely different person depending on where I am
My moods jump up and down drastically and spontaneously
I go to sleep with That 70's Show on in the background because it makes me feel like my friends are always around me
I'm one of the most stubborn people I know
I find that playing small segments on the guitar calms me or clears my mind
My favorite animal is either a wolf or a hawk
It is ironic that I like wolves because I also have a fear of dogs
I'm pushing this year for the realization that I will not make it into a college to even start acting, not just to excel
I think that I say some incredibly mean things when I am in a fight
I have three siblings, all are half siblings. I don't count it that way though
I'm pushing. Even right now, I am doing something to benefit me
I don't want kids. I think I would be a terrible father
I am finding it to be more comforting and more helpful when I am in a production
At this very moment, I feel very open about everything. Like I can say anything at this very moment in time and I will be okay

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