Friday, April 17, 2009

I make mistakes

I make a lot of mistakes

I'm very aware

Every time you chime in with whatever bullshit you want to add
You just remind me that you were one of those mistakes

These are all mistakes
I don't care what you say
I am a good person
Everyone is
It is when you start to do things on purpose for personal gain that you develop into something bad

If I were honestly a bad person
It wouldn't mean shit to me
I wouldn't be at the point I am now

If I really were a bad person
I wouldn't stand up for people when they are spoken or acted against
I wouldn't try to right the wrongs I make
I wouldn't give a fuck about what I do to myself

How can someone say, "You deserve to die" in regards to something like this?

When you are interested in someone, things are put past you
So if she likes me, maybe that is being put past her
You are doing it just the same
It isn't like someone you find to be of interest hasn't made mistakes
It isn't like I saw that a mistake he made was getting on the ALEX high as a kite and smelled like he bathed in bong water

It was a mistake
I have realized that
Just like all people do
We can't all be perfect like you in your family
There is an obvious right and wrong
Of course

Picking the wrong is what is known as a mistake
Not a permanent reminder of your fuck up
It happens for a reason

Just like how we eventually came to peace with our mistake

We don't like each other
Let's stop trying to show her who is better suited to her life and leave it between us


  1. "Experience is the cruelest teacher in that it gives the test 1st, lesson, second"

    Its what one does with that lesson that is the real test...

  2. A good person.

    Underneath there is a feeling that you're doing the right thing: all the few, little things you stand up for that you tell yourself is proof you're a good person. But what you do, the things you do to other people, the big things, that's what counts. That's what matter. It's what defines you.

    I t ' s w h a t y o u d o t h a t d e f i n e s y o u .

    One, two, three-- countless and countless-- good deeds will never put to justice you're mistakes, the things you have done wrong.

    While everyone makes mistakes, its no excuse.

    If you're a good person think about others, release those who you've hurt in your mistakes because it's the right thing to do, becasue you want them to be happy. Rather then be selfish and attempt to hold them at your will.

  3. If it was really holding them at my will, there wouldn't be anything to hold onto. Maybe that is what is the hard part in understanding this is. There still is a good aspect to it.

    You're absolutely right: no justice will be given and there won't be any justification through actions. That doesn't mean that the short straw is drawn.

    It isn't what you do that defines you. Maybe the way that you are looked at, but not you. It is how you respond and act and live with the mistake, not just that you did it. By saying that, you are essentially saying that everything should be dropped when hurt or has the potential to be bruised...which is a huge contradiction.

    The big things count. How it affects others counts. But in the end, when you realize it isn't all the end because of an action or someone got hurt and there is more potential than just thriving or hurting, you don't have to let everything go. As a matter of fact, we are pushing apart because it will be good. Not completely because there is potential for something more, but we have our own struggle to face. Breaking it won't solve it.

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