Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"This is what you get

when you fuck with us!"

I think this is a great cover.
Here is the original (which is better, but you gotta give Panic props for such a good job):

The video is great. Totally fits with the song. I love it. So poetic and true. You get what you do. It happens. I don't believe it, but no matter what it happens. I think the video demonstrates it very well. I still ask myself why he doesn't just go off the road, but oh well. This song has been stuck in my head for the past week.

Missed school today. Sick sick sick. Better now.

I am honestly writing this blog because I need to keep myself interested in being awake. Creative procrastination, really. I have a ton to do tonight, so I might as well do something in between to make sure I stay awake and not jump out my window (that wouldn't do anything. My window is a foot off of the ground).

Speech time. Zoboomafoo, Sesame Street, and Where the Wild Things Are.


  1. mmmmmm i love panic

    with a burning passion :)


  2. hes so sweaty!

    but i still love him

  3. ok

    original is way better
