Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dying Was A Breeze (6/26/07)

I hardly felt anything when I died. When the word "death" comes to mind, all ways of it seem very painful…but not for me…I didn't feel a thing. I felt pain up until my death…but dying was a breeze.

It was this girl…she killed me. Brutally murdered me. But I didn't feel anything…I don't really know why, though.

Her name was Belle…she had short, yet smooth black hair…eyes so hazel you could swear Autumn itself made them…perfect stature…no one would perceive her as a killer…

Her last words drowned my head in thoughts. It wasn't a simple goodbye, but a long, painful goodbye. I guess you could say she drowned me…

I remember our good times. The times when we could simply lie out in the grass under a blanket of darkness and stars…and nothing could separate us

Nothing did separate us

I brought her down with me

We're still together, in a sense…

The only problem is that she doesn't know that I'm dead…and I didn't know she was…

She thought that I wasn't able to see, so she took advantage of it

She spread the word of my death secretly, so she could better herself

When at the same time, I was killing her

Stabbing that bitch right in the back

Just as she did to me

Killing me

Well, I wasn't blind…and she should have known that

So…I killed her

Plain and simple

I took my daggers; poison tipped, freshly sharpened daggers, and stabbed her

Right up front

And she took it well

Easing her own pain by killing me off

Taking one of hers and stabbing me up front too

Who would have known that we killed each other?

We seemed to okay…seemed fine

But she stabbed my back

She lied

She framed me

She had it coming….

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