Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hand That Needs (12/9/08)

You tear down what God has created for you
Only to shed it on the unaware or uninterested
You donate paper of no value to the poor
Stating he all you need to be happy
But if one does not grasp what you preach
Do you still offer a hand that does not belong to God?
A hand willing to put aside the inevitable death
And what idea of where you go after the sand has fallen
But rather a hand that is all powerful, omnipotent in all
Understanding of the unimportant overlord who demands praise
A hand that will help willingly and gladly without prediction
That will feel free to give help without expectation or desire
To do well except for the satisfaction of living well

If heaven and God will not accept one who does well
If I were to ascend, I would call it my Hell

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