Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ten 'o Clock Tuesday

Actually it is Ten o' One
But Ten 'O Clock Tuesday sounds like a good band name

My main reason for coming into this post is another pictorial adventure
I think each one is going to tell a little bit either about a past experience of mine or more about my family

This one is a family one again

First examine Example A.
This is my father, Todd, about a year ago
He was pushing past 200 pounds
He will probably comment saying the exact weight (hint hint)
Bottom line
Not all too good

Let us examine Example B.

I mean, all that progress in just a year
Dropping the potentially life threatening weight and turning it into...what?
2 percent body fat?

Yeah, that's my dad
Go ahead
Bask in it
It's the truth
This scrawny pale lanky teenager has a Brad Pitt remake from Troy as a father

Like father like son is not a quote to describe our body image
I will say that

While he was younger, he did a lot of art
Art was to my dad as poems are to me

I wish I had a picture of one of his pieces from his high school years
But sadly, I don't

It would be awfully nice of him to leave one in a comment if he were to have one, though

When I had said that I was proud of my step mom using a creative outlet, I said another family member
He used to (and still does part time....I think?) graphic design
Taking something that you are good at and like doing and get paid for it
Bross family dream, basically

I had a great picture of my step mom somewhere on my computer from a few summers ago before she started writing...
I really wish I could find it

This makes me very upset
It was my special mom picture

Speaking of which, I can't find my bicycle helmet pictures with the bus either
So much for special child stories

I've had this idea for a story that involves a person with an increased state of multiple personality disorder
Where he will eavesdrop and hear a conversation that isn't his because he is sort of outcasted among his peers, and although he is a very calm and kept to self person, his head will urge him to say something horrible in response
Such as:
"I was watching the Biggest Loser last night..."
"You should be participating, not watching. Maybe that is why you are not invited to parties and dances"
And at one point, his alter state of mind begins to get the best of him, and he begins to act on his other personality
And things lead to him changing both mentally and physically
Until he gets fed up with hurting people through the unintentional and sub conscience thought process and has to find a way to battle it out

I've also started this one story
It's called Reflect
I'll post it when I finish
But it is about a guy who has this re-occurring trauma of his denial of his life falling through
And the trauma is triggered every time he looks in the mirror
Because the mirror speaks back to him
So every time he has to face himself, his self will face him back and push him into taking action and accepting that it was his fault
And will not leave him to peace until he accepts it and acts on it

I swear that I am slowly butchering the idea of conventional literature
I am never going to sit down and write a normal book or story
And I am completely fine with it
But all of them are somehow going to take in the form of a poem
It seems easier for me to release a character or situation when I can let words flow freely and not be bound by sentence fluency or character development
Because the imagery and representation of them will advance throughout the stories

Unfortunately, I must go be bound by sentence fragment
Because I have to write the second half of my essay on the Meiji Period in Japan

Tom Cruise has problems


  1. damn tom.....if only you had a back like that HINT HINT ;). ahaha i know you hate them but abs and pecs= pretty fucking hot. like brad pitt :). even though i hate him.....

    um yah....your did looks nothing like that first picture...this is kinda upsetting...(not that he lost alot of weight but that he dosnt look the same as in the picture.....what?)

    ok um yah id love to see you finish your books. like you have a billion ideas and their all really good and you start writin but then halfway stop..why? you know youll at least make like 10 bucks if you finished. and then if it got published youd make like 50 more (assuming your book is 10$. me ash roddy andrew becky...maybe even connie she might burn it though..or karl ahahah).


    dslkefjldsjkaslkjdals ME!

  2. Since you, um, "asked" (hint hint):

    I was a pizza shy of 270lbs and 43% body fat. That is just over 116lbs of blubber. I had been like that for well over 2 decades.

    13.5 weeks later I found my "Grail" - "THE 1" - on the left hand side of the scale (199.4lbs) for the first time since I had a 1 on the left hand side of my age.

    I eventually got as low as 190.5, which is less than I weighed before I was legal to drive, then started lifting hard & eating more. Got back up over 200, then did a 23 day "cut" of reduced cals & very reduced carbs. This is how bodybuilders get to those insanely shredded levels of body fat (and on that topic that back picture is probably in the low teens as far as body fat). I lost 12lbs in 23 days & got to 186.5 doing not one minute of cardio to get to that back picture.

    I've actually GAINED almost 20lbs since then, but can still snap my 30" waist jeans with no sucking in/problem. Its cool to have 32" jeans as my FAT jeans. And no, I am NOT on any gear at all. 100% natural. "Eat, Lift, Sleep, Repeat". Its that easy....

    I'm guess I'm whats called a mesomorph. Its interesting.

    As far as like father, like son, you could look like that....if you really want to.

  3. yes tom i agree with your father...if you really wanted to :) or if i bug you enough about it :D

    ahahah im such a great person :)

